“So much for me thinking I was being safe . . .”

Can you imagine being careful about choosing your sexual partners all your life to find out at 40 that you have herpes, more specifically HSV-1?

I am still in shock. When the doctor told me, I completely ignored it because I knew that I could not have any STDs. Since I became sexually active, I have had annual physicals and have asked to be tested for STDs. Until now, I did not know that testing for herpes was not included in the regular STD screening. So after ordering 10 years of my lab results, I have no clue when I contacted this infection. I don’t recall ever having an outbreak. I have never purchased a cold sore medication. I do remember receiving a pimple on my lip once but it went away with ice. Could that have been my initial outbreak? I don’t know what is worse–knowing that I have it or not knowing how long I have had it or whom I have affected.

Most of my partners have been females, and no I am not one of those naive people to think that my risk of catching an STD is less because I sleep with women. I actually think it is greater because we are more prone not to use any protection. I don’t know how long it will take me to absorb this new-found lifetime infection but after reading some of your stories, I know that I am not alone. So much for me thinking I was being safe by carefully selecting my partners. There is no such thing as a safe selection until you cover up. The simple fact is – protect yourself! The mental stress of knowing that you have contracted an STD is not worth it.

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