
Working closely with Church & Dwight – the manufacturer of Trojan condoms- ASHA has developed an array of sexual health tools under the banner of Condomology.

It’s been clear to us for some time that there’s a pressing need for a fact-based resource – designed for all audiences- that addresses many misperceptions that have been perpetuated about condoms and safer sex. A big myth is that condoms aren’t effective against genital herpes. While it’s true that condoms are more effective in blocking transmission with some other infections (especially HIV), don’t rule them out as a valuable part of HSV prevention: one study (Martin et al., Arch Intern Med 2009) showed that condom use reduced genital HSV transmission by about 30%. Condomology was developed to disseminate accurate information about sexual health and contraception, based on what the science tells us.

We think these new tools are so powerful because evidence-based science did indeed guide every step in their development.The Condomology microsite (housed on ASHA’s main website) offers a variety of resources including videos and infographics that cover how condoms are made, correct use, and a timeline of how condoms have evolved over the centuries (bet you didn’t know that early condoms were made of everything from linen to sausage casings!).

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