Oral Herpes
Posted On Oral Herpes
A Link Between HSV-1 and Alzheimers Disease
While herpes simplex virus type 1 is implicated almost exclusively as the cause of oral herpes, and not infrequently as the cause of genital herpes,…
Posted On Oral Herpes
Curry for a Cold Sore?
Research on the antiviral effects of curcumin When you feel an outbreak of oral herpes coming on, you’re more likely to head to the medicine…
Posted On Oral Herpes
Bringing Herpes Out of Hiding
Uncovering the key to latency may bring an end to oral herpes, researchers hope One distinguishing characteristic of the herpevirus family of viruses is latency.…
Posted On Oral Herpes
Genetically Prone to Outbreaks?
Link between genes and oral herpes susceptibility discovered While the common cold and overexposure to sunlight are suspected triggers of oral herpes outbreaks, genetic factors…

Liyana Parker
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