Herpes Research
Posted On Herpes Research
Herpes Research at the 2010 National STD Conference
Held in Atlanta this year, the 2010 National STD Conference included a variety of speakers ranging from the new Director of the Centers for Disease…
Posted On Herpes Research
New Insight into Genital Herpes Reactivation
A new study by Sunitha Tata, et al, published in the February issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases examining herpes simplex virus (HSV) reactivation in women…
Posted On Herpes Research
AiCuris Completes Phase I Studies for New Herpes Drug
On November 6, 2009, AiCuris announced that it had successfully completed three phase I studies with its new compound AIC316. AIC316 is a new treatment…
Posted On Herpes Research
University of Florida Researchers Win Pepsi Refresh Grant
$50,000 will fund research on novel herpes treatment “Fund tests of a new herpes treatment at the University of Florida.” That was the idea that…
Posted On Herpes Research
Update on New Herpes Drug by AiCuris
In early December, AiCuris announced the completion of Phase II trials of their herpes compound AIC316. This announcement comes earlier than expected as the trial…
Posted On Herpes Research
Barriers to Genital Herpes Testing for People Living with HIV
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University conducted a cross-sectional survey investigating the frequency of genital herpes testing among those with HIV, utilizing data from the American…
Posted On Herpes Research
New Study Offers Insight on HSV Shedding
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association gives new insight into the frequency and amount of viral shedding among those with asymptomatic genital…
Posted On Herpes Research
The relationship between HSV-2 and HIV
Research at recent conference highlights issues of co-infection HSV-2 infection is an important dynamic in HIV transmission and progression: according to the Centers for Disease…
Posted On Herpes Research
ISSTDR Conference Review
HSV-2 prevalence, stigma among topics covered at major STD research meeting Studies that focused on the clinical and emotional aspects of herpes were among those…
Posted On Herpes Research
Promise for a New HSV Treatment Option?
A study finds a new class of anti-viral drug significantly reduces both genital shedding and lesions related to HSV-2. The only class of drugs currently…

Liyana Parker
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